
Full Defination Of Human Teeth And Jaws

Full Defination Of Human Teeth And Jaws

Human teeth, human jaws, human bone, human frontal bone
Full defination of human teeth and jaws

Teeth are bone-like hard structures found in the mouth. They are located in the upper and lower jaws. Jaws are part of the skull. They are made of two opposed bony structures that form the framework of the mouth.

Maxilla and Mandible

Human teeth, human George comma human frontal bone human nasal bone comma human maxilla bone
Full definition of human teeth and Jaws

The upper Jaws is known as the maxilla and the lower jaw is known as the mandible. The maxilla is fixed while the mandible is movable. The maxilla is attached to the nasal bones, bones of the eye socket, and bones in the roof of the mouth. The lower part of the upper Jaws holds the upper teeth. The mandible has a horizontal arch and two vertical portions called rami. The horizontal arch portion of the jaw holds the teeth, blood vessels, and nerves. The central portion of this arch forms the chin and the rami hold the muscles needed for chewing. Muscles of mastication help in the movement of the jaw.

Kinds of Teeth

Human teeth, human jobs, human mandible bone human frontal bone, human temporal bone
Full defination of human teeth and jaws

Human beings have two kinds of teeth- deciduous and permanent. Deciduous teeth grow at a young age and start falling one by one to be replaced by permanent teeth. Children have 20 deciduous teeth, 10 in each jaw. Incisors, canniness, and molars are the three kinds of deciduous teeth found in each jaw. Permanent teeth start appearing at the age of 6 or 7 years. There are 32 permanent teeth, 16 in a jaw. Incisors, canines premolars, and molar are the four kinds of permanent teeth found in each jaw.

•.      There are eight incisors-four in the upper jaw and four in the lower jaw. They are used in bitting and cutting food. Incisors have a sharp and straight cutting aged.
•.     There are four canniness-two in the upper jaw and two in the lower jaw. They are used to tear food. Canines have a sharp and pointed aged.
•.     There are eight formulas-four in the upper Jaw and four in the lower jow. They are used to grind and mash food. Premolars have a broad, lumpy top.
•.     There are 12 molars-six in the upper Jaw and six in the lower jaw. They are used for chewing food. Molars are larger than premolars.

Parts Of Teeth

Human teeth, human George, human frontal bone, human temporal bone human maxilla bone human muscle bone
Full definition of human teeth and jaws

A tooth is divided into four kinds of tissues- pulp, dentine, enamel, and cementum. The connective tissue that surrounds the tooth is known as periodontal ligament. The pulp is the innermost part of tooth and lies in both the root and Crown of the tooth. It contains connective tissue, blood vessels, and nervous. The blood vessels supply the tooth with blood and the nerves transmit the pain sensations to the brain. The tip of the root makes way for the supply of blood vessels to the pulp. The dentine is a yellow coloured hard substance that forms most part of the tooth. Dentine contains mineral salts, water, and some living cells. The enamel is the outermost covering that lies above the dentine in the crown. It is the hardest substance in the human body. It consists of mineral salt and water. Enamel supports the tooth at the time of chewing. The cementum lies above the dentine in the root and contains minerals salts and water. The fibres in the periodontal ligament connect the cementum to the jawbone.

Teeth are bone-like hard structures found in the mouth. They are located in the upper and lower jaws. Jaws are part of the skull.
They are made of two opposed bony structures that form the framework of the mouth.

Milan Tomic

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